Johnson Discusses Security Clearances on ‘Fox News Sunday’

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, appeared on “Fox News Sunday” this morning to discuss how to handle the security clearances of former administration officials.

Excerpts from Senator Johnson’s appearance are below and video can be found here.

“First of all, I don't want to see this become routine. I don't want to see it be politicized. The reason you don't want to pull a security clearance is exactly what Admiral Mullen is talking about: being able to provide access to those individuals you want to consult with.”

“You gain access when you have a need to know, and if you're not going to be consulted you just don't have the need to know.”

“When people retire honorably, I think let them keep their security clearances in place and if you don't want to consult with them, just don't give them access to classified material. That's the best way of handling it. Just don't give them access to the material.”
