Seeking Solutions

On Wisconsin

In response to flooding across southern Wisconsin in recent weeks, Sen. Johnson sent a letter to President Trump requesting federal assistance for those affected by the heavy storms. Thank you to all first responders and rescue workers working to help their fellow Wisconsinites. And if flooding is affecting your part of the state, please stay safe.

On the Hill

Remembering Sen. John McCain

Sen. Johnson took time to reflect on the life of the late Sen. John McCain during an interview with CNN Friday. You can watch Sen. Johnson's comments on their relationship and Sen. McCain's legacy here.

Seeking Answers from High-Spending Federal Agencies

Sen. Johnson and three other senators sent letters to 13 federal agencies Tuesday raising concerns about potentially wasteful spending in the final weeks before the end of the fiscal year. According to one report, federal agencies spent more than $11 billion during the final week of the fiscal year 2017, almost five times more than average weekly spending during the rest of the year.

The letters were sent to the Department of Defense, Department of the Treasury, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, Department of State, Department of Transportation, Department of Health and Human Services, General Services Administration, NASA, National Science Foundation and Social Security Administration.

You can read the letter sent to the Department of Defense here.

Attorneys General, Law Enforcement Groups Urge Action on SOFA Act

The National Attorneys General Association and the National Narcotic Officers' Associations' Coalition both announced their support for Sen. Johnson's SOFA Act. The bill, which Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner is leading in the House of Representatives, would provide law enforcement additional tools and close loopholes to help bring fentanyl traffickers to justice.

You can read more about the SOFA Act and a letter written by 52 Attorneys Generals in support of the bill here.

Coming Up

The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when the Senate returns after Labor Day. Judge Kavanaugh met with Sen. Johnson in mid-August. Click here to read Sen. Johnson's reaction from the meeting.

Media Round Up