Johnson Meets with Turkish Ambassador to Discuss Situation in Syria

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Monday met with Turkey’s ambassador to the United States, Serdar Kilic, to discuss the situation in northern Syria.

Senator Johnson and the ambassador discussed the priority of maintaining control over ISIS prisoners and preventing the reconstitution of an ISIS caliphate, as well as Turkey’s security concerns in regard to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Turkey’s hosting of Syrian refugees, and the military operations in northern Syria conducted by Turkish and affiliated forces.

“I appreciate the ambassador’s willingness to meet for an honest and frank discussion on the situation in northern Syria,” Senator Johnson said. “I understand Turkey’s terrorism concerns. I asked that Turkey maintain the ceasefire and for assurance that any actions outside of international norms by Turkish personnel or associated forces not be tolerated. I will continue to monitor the situation in northern Syria closely and look forward to future bilateral dialogue.”
