Jared Kushner Visits Joseph Project

Joseph Project Takes Center Stage

Kushner and Johnson at Joseph Project

On January 14, Senator Johnson hosted Special Advisor to the President Jared Kushner and Deputy Assistant to the President Ja'Ron Smith in Milwaukee for a roundtable featuring Joseph Project participants. A packed house learned more about the Joseph Project and got to meet those folks working to turn their lives around thanks to criminal justice reforms like the First Step Act.

"All of your stories are amazing," Kusher said. "Thank you for pushing. Thank you for fighting."

Read more about Kushner's visit in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

To watch the entire roundtable, watch this video stream from TMJ4.

First Step Act Participants Join Joseph Project

First Step Act Participants

The First Step Act was passed last year and marks a significant shift in criminal justice reform. The bipartisan legislation was championed by Jared Kushner and supported by Senator Johnson. The First Step Act helps returning citizens from federal prisons. Our Joseph Project classes are starting to see many participants who are using this program to turn their lives around.

Tweet from Ivanka Trump about MKE visit

Joseph Project Class 84 Graduates in MKE

Joseph Project Class 84

The 84th Joseph Project class graduated this week in Milwaukee. All 14 participants will get the chance to interview with good-paying manufacturing companies who are looking to hire. Once hired, the Joseph Project provides free transporation for these graduates to their workplace for the first 30 days to help them establish good work habits.

2019 Year in Review Joseph Project Stats

Social Media Highlights

Instagram Post

Tweet from Waukesha Business Alliance