Looking at 2020 Election Integrity
Democrats Called This Dangerous
This week, I held an oversight hearing to examine irregularities in the 2020 election.
Democrats called it dangerous. I say it was absolutely necessary.
The fact that our last two presidential elections have not been accepted as legitimate by large percentages of the American public is a serious problem that threatens our republic.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall the media accusing congressional Democrats of indulging in "quackery and conspiracy theories" or their letters about 2016 election fraud being called a "ridiculous charade," like Senator Schumer did when he attacked this hearing.
This hearing is part of what should be ongoing congressional oversight that is meant to transparently address that problem. We had nearly four hours of testimony. We've boiled it down to 45 minutes so you can make time to watch what the mainstream media will not report.
Watch the hearing here.
Read my opening statements here.
Watch my interview with One America News Network.
Here's the article mentioned during the hearing that I hope you read: The YouTube Ban Is Un-American, Wrong, and Will Backfire by Matt Taibbi.
Millions Watch Wisconsin Doctor's Testimony
On December 8, we held the second hearing on early at-home treatment options for COVID-19. But before this hearing even started the disinformation campaign already began.
The New York Times and other mainstream media didn't even wait for our hearing to begin before starting their attacks. It's stunning how close-minded their approach to early treatment of COVID-19 has been.
Why are they vilifying doctors who have the courage to treat patients? Why have our agencies, our mainstream media and Democrats, turned a blind eye to potential lifesaving treatments?
Operation Warp Speed was brilliant. We need to celebrate vaccine development, but it still won't be available to every American for months. In the meantime, why not continue to look at early treatment?
People are obviously hungry for this information. Dr. Pierre Kory's opening statement has more than 5 million views on YouTube. Watch it here.
Watch all the hearing highlights here.
Watch my interview about the hearing on Newsmax's Spicer & Co. here.
Sounding the Alarm on Hunter Biden
It's obvious to everybody except the mainstream media. The media had far greater influence in our election than any Russian interference ever could have hoped for. We've been investigating Hunter Biden for months, but 36% of Biden voters had no clue.
In September, we released a report documenting millions of dollars Hunter Biden received from foreign business dealings. We've been sounding the alarm, but the media has all but ignored this story.
Let's face it: Joe Biden has not been honest with the American public. He had to know about Hunter Biden's financial entanglements.
Watch the interview on Sean Hannity's show here.
Two Wisconsin Post Offices Named After War Heroes 
Two Wisconsin post offices will soon be renamed after World War II and Korean War heroes. The House passed our bipartisan bills to rename the post office in Port Washington after Joe Demler and the post office in Tomahawk after Einar 'Sarge' Ingman. The bills now go to the president for his signature.
Einar Ingman is a true American hero who was awarded our nation's highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor. Joe Demler served his country courageously and barely survived the horrors of a Nazi prisoner of war camp. The experience led Joe to say, "Every day is a bonus," which became the motto of the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight.
It's a fitting honor to both men that the post offices in their hometowns will soon be renamed in their honor so that their service will never be forgotten by future generations.
Read more here.
Joseph Project Class 99
We are wrapping up 2020 with our 99th Joseph Project class. Four people in Milwaukee completed the class this week and are now interviewing for family-supporting jobs.
Since we started this project, we've worked with 770 participants, and 522 got hired at one of our 22 partner companies. Our largest employers are Denali Ingredients in New Berlin and John Deere in Horicon.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers and employers who are helping change lives through the power of work.