Johnson Calls on Pompeo to Assist Wisconsinites Stranded Abroad

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) today sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting his assistance in securing the safe return home of Wisconsinites currently stranded in countries with travel restrictions because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“These Americans are scared, desperate and running out of hope,” Sen. Johnson wrote. “I hope you will give your fullest and most immediate consideration to this request, and I appreciate your time and consideration to this urgent matter.”

Senator Johnson’s staff has been assisting travelers located across more than 12 countries, including Peru, Honduras and Guatemala, since the pandemic started causing travel issues. A copy of his letter to Secretary Pompeo can be found here. Wisconsinites seeking assistance with travel or other federal government issues can request it through the “Get Help” tab at at 
