Breaking the Logjam on Hydroxychloroquine

Letter Forwarded to President Trump

HCQ Letter

Thank you to the more than 4,000 doctors, medical professionals and concerned patients who signed my letter to President Trump urging action on the right to try and right to prescribe hydroxychloroquine in the fight against COVID-19. The letter has been sent.

We have broken the distribution logjam on hydroxychloroquine as millions of tablets have been released from the national stockpile. Now we need to break the prescribing logjam on HCQ and allow doctors the right to use it early without patients being in the hospital.

Read more here.

Watch the WISN story here.

Air Force Bringing New Fighter Jet to Madison

F35 Coming to Madison

Great news for Wisconsin from the U.S. Air Force. The Air Force is basing the new F-35 fighter jets at Truax Field in Madison. This ensures Wisconsin's 115th Fighter Wing will now receive a critical upgrade with the F-35 replacing the aging F-16 fighter jets currently in service. The new fighters will help maintain U.S. air superiority and keep our state and country safe and secure. The F-35s will also ensure the Air National Guard continues to play an important role in Wisconsins communities and economy.

Wisconsin #2 on Census Response

Wisconsin is doing an amazing job with the 2020 Census. We are currently tied #2 in the country for responding to the census. The WOW counties of Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington are in the top five counties in the country!

Follow the stats here.

Tax Day Postponed

This week April 15 came and went without the traditional Tax Day deadline. It was postponed until July 15 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Dogged Pressure Reveals Footnotes

I appreciate the Wall Street Journal for recognizing the "dogged pressure" of my staff to get to the truth of declassified footnotes to the Justice Department Inspector General report into the Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign.

The FBI knew that at least some of its evidence against the Trump campaign, and maybe more, was likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign that was central and essential for getting the first FISA warrant.

I will continue my oversight to unveil any additional wrongdoing. The American people deserve to know what is happening inside their government.

Read the Wall Street Journal column here.

Wisconsinites Doing Good

Milwaukee's Olympus Group which makes mascot costumes for Bucky Badger and the Milwaukee Brewers Racing Sausages is now making face shileds.

Madison technology company Zerology donated 16,000 scarce KN95 masks to law enforcement, enough for at least one for every police officer in Wisconsin.

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