Scandal of Gigantic Proportions

The American People Need to See This

Senators at Border Roundtable

President Biden's border crisis is a scandal of gigantic proportions that is being ignored by the administration and the mainstream media.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is on track to set a record for the most apprehensions in a single year.

I held a roundtable discussion with two other senators who sit on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee with me to hear directly from law enforcement experts and victims of the administration's reckless immigration policies.

We are in the middle of an unprecedented surge in illegal crossings at our southern border. The Biden administration's failure to address the crisis created by its decision to dismantle the previous administration's policies with no replacement or consideration for how it would incentivize migration is shameful.

Click here for a full video of the roundtable.

Heritage Foundation tweet: "Senator Johnson did someting Democrats refuse to do. He held a roundtable on the border crisis."

Roundtable Participants

Protecting Covid Heroes From Getting Fired

Health Care Worker Video

Well before President Biden's ill-advised and divisive vaccine mandate, I had been hearing from doctors, nurses, first responders, and others ( like in this video) facing the life-altering decision of having to choose between losing their job or being coerced into taking a vaccine. We are already suffering severe worker shortages throughout our economy, especially in health care. Vaccine mandates will increase these shortages and degrade our health care system. I support any effort, and am happy to co-sponsor Sen. Blackburn's Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act, to mitigate the very real harms these mandates are causing and will continue to cause. No one should be pressured, coerced, or fear reprisal for refusing treatment, especially essential workers.

I've written three op-ed's this past month on vaccine mandates:

The Washington Times: Why is Questioning Group Think Dangerous?

The Federalist: The Worst is Yet to Come From Bidens Vaccine Coercion

The Washington Times:Questioning the Science of Vaccine Mandates

Tweet with Southwest pilot for medical freedom

Supporting Parents' Voices in Education

Sen. Johnson at School Mural

I joined my Republican colleagues in introducing a resolution supporting parents' rights to be fully and actively involved in their children's education. Recently, President Biden and his administration have weaponized the Justice Department, threatening to use federal law enforcement resources to intimidate and silence parents who speak out on behalf of their children. This resolution condemns restrictions on parental involvement at public school board meetings and supports parents as a leading voice in their children's education.

Letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland

My response to National School Board Letter to Biden Administration

Social Media Highlights

Instagram post from Vilas County bike trail

Tweet from radio interview with Bo Snerdly