Vaccine Mandates Shouldn’t be the Next COVID Policy Disaster

Medical Ethics Includes the Right to Choose

Federalist Op-Ed by Sen. Johnson

There's still much we don't know about Covid-19. I try not to be critical of officials forced to make tough decisions with imperfect information. But as we know more, it's a matter of life and death to integrate what we learn as future policy decisions are made.

Even before the vaccines' use was authorized, many doctors I consulted were expressing concerns over indiscriminate mass vaccination. They were particularly worried about lack of benefit and hyperactivating responses in individuals previously infected with Covid-19.

A fundamental of medical ethics is that people have the right to choose or refuse treatment. No one should be pressured, coerced, or fear reprisal for refusing treatment, including the Covid-19 vaccine.

Please read my op-ed in The Federalist to learn more.

The Epoch Times: Sen. Ron Johnson on the 180-Degree Turn on the COVID Lab Leak Theory

Letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting information on the termination of a State Department investigation into COVID-19's origins.

Milwaukee Press Club

Sen. Johnson at Press Club Event

Last week, I was the featured guest for the Milwaukee Press Club's Newsmaker Lunch Hour.

During the virtual event, I took questions from reporters on a range of topics from my support of early treatment for Covid-19, my opposition to vaccine passports, election integrity, and my Prevent Government Shutdowns Act (which is modeled after Wisconsin law).

You can watch the entire discussion here.

January 6 Commission

Officer Sicknick Photo

On May 27, I met with Mrs. Gladys Sicknick, Officer Brian Sicknick's mother, and Sandra Garza, to offer my heartfelt condolences. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child, and words cannot adequately express my sympathy for their loss. I sincerely thanked Officer Harry Dunn and Officer Michael Fanone for their service and expressed my strong support for law enforcement.

As I did publicly at the time, I again condemned the grotesque violence, repugnant racial slurs, and other illegal acts that occurred on Jan. 6. All those who engaged in those repulsive acts should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I also asked what questions regarding Jan. 6 they are seeking answers to. Although we respectfully disagreed on the added value of the proposed commission, I did commit to doing everything I could to ensure all their questions will be answered.

Senator Lindsey Graham and I called for a completely independent commission to investigate Jan. 6 right after the breach. How do you set up something completely independent in today's hyperpartisan politics? It's pretty difficult.

Listen to more of my thoughts on investigating Jan. 6 here.

ICYMI: Media Interviews

Dan Bongino Radio Interview

The Dan Bongino Show

The James Golden Show (a.k.a. Bo Snerdley)

Fox News' Hannity

The Vicki McKenna Show

Newsmax's Rob Schmitt Tonight

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