Time to Reclaim Liberty

Time to Stop Unemployment Waste, Fraud and Abuse 

I've teamed up with the Wisconsin Republican delegation asking the Labor Department to review Wisconsin's and other states unemployment insurance programs.

We've now seen estimates of hundreds of billions of dollars in waste, fraud and abuse related to federal unemployment assistance. We can't keep pushing this down the road. I urge Governor Evers to act to protect taxpayers and help get people back to work.

Read our letter here.

Wisconsinites Fighting for Tax Returns

Tax Form

My office is getting a growing number of complaints from constituents upset over unacceptable delays in the processing of their income tax returns by IRS staff.

They want a meaningful responses from the IRS on the status of their returns. Why is it taking the IRS so long to return their hard-earned money?

I acknowledge the workflow challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic presented to employees in all government agencies. But members of my staff report that in attempting to work with IRS representatives they have not received sufficient help or satisfactory answers.

I sympathize with your frustrations. Here's the letter I wrote to the IRS seeking answers.

We've Lost Enough During This Pandemic

Reclaim Liberty Graphic

We are seeing major changes in federal policies on Covid-19 with the CDC's mask mandate and President Biden's vaccine mandate for federal workers.

President Biden needs to begin respecting Americans' freedom and their ability to choose whether to get vaccinated or not. This should not be a controversial issue. No one should be pressured, coerced or made to fear reprisal for refusing any medical treatment, including the Covid vaccine. President Biden's remarks directly contradict what this country stands for: freedom and individuals' right to choose what is best for themselves and their families. We all want this pandemic to be over and I believe the vaccine has saved lives. The government's role should be to take it's safety surveillance systems seriously and provide full transparency so people can make an informed decision. We've lost enough liberty during this pandemic. It's time for Americans to reclaim their freedom.

Remember, the initial goal of public policy was to flatten the curve so we wouldn't overwhelm hospitals. At some point, federal agencies moved the goal posts. The initial goal was achievable. I'm not even sure what the new goal is. Time to let Americans, not federal agencies, make decisions for themselves and their children. Time to reclaim liberty and end this state of fear.

Fight to See Dr. Fauci's Emails

Big government has not been honest and transparent with America. If you think it has, why hasn't the NIH complied with the law and released Dr. Fauci's unredacted emails regarding his gain-of-function funding? The American people have the right to know how their tax dollars are spent.

Democrats' Reckless Tax-and-Spending

Sen. Johnson at Senate press conference

I want the American people to truly understand who will pay for this reckless tax-and-spending spree by the Democrats. They will.

We've paid people not to work.Now we are printing more money we don't have.

Inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods. That's where we are with the Democrats' reckless tax-and-spend plan.

I believe there are real infrastructure needs across the country but they should be funded exclusively by repurposing unspent dollars from the partisan Covid relief bill.

Press conference video.

Fox Business interview.

Bucks in Six!

Bucks Victory Parade

Congratulations to the Milwaukee Bucks on winning the city's first NBA championship in half a century!

Following the Milwaukee Bucks victory in the NBA finals, it was an honor to co-sponsor a Senate resolution celebrating the new NBA Champions.

Read the resolution here.