Sen. Johnson on Fox News: Biden Administration Has Been a Rolling Series of Disasters

WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) joined Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” to discuss upcoming testimony from Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Biden administration’s other policy failures. 

The full interview can be found here, and excerpts are below.

On the Biden administration’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan:

“Obviously we learned that the Biden administration is going to continue to blame the previous administration for decisions that they made. What I find so disingenuous about that blame game is that President Biden had no problem overturning, for example, successful policies on the border which had our border moving towards pretty good security. He had no problem dismantling all of those successful policies but this is just the one he just had to abide by.”

“No, but this is just on top of other bad decisions. This administration has been a rolling series of disasters. First, the dismantling of the successful border policies, so now we have a completely open border – more than 6,000 people being apprehended per day for the last four or five months. That doesn't even count the known got-aways – at least 600,000 people will be dispersed around the country because of that open border. That's a population greater than the state of Wyoming, so that's disaster number one. What about all of the out of control spending, the incredible increase in our debt, and now you've got the withdrawal, the humiliating surrender in Afghanistan. It's just unbelievable.”

“We don't know, and of course that's what's most troubling because we were hearing from people on the ground during the evacuation. They don't want to come forward because they value their jobs and they know they will be retaliated against by this administration, so what we were hearing was completely different than what this administration was telling us. This administration was saying that they planned for every contingency, that this was organized. There were tens of thousands of Afghans that just flooded the airport. Nobody knows who they are – we just put them on planes, we played the numbers game, so many of these people didn't even have any form of ID whatsoever. I was at Fort McCoy, I asked the commanding general when did you first hear this was going to be your mission? He said ten days ago. I asked them, could they say that every Afghan that they had received, taken in, had at least an ID? They couldn't even answer that question, so we have no idea.”

On Biden’s border crisis:

“This is a self-inflected wound created by President Biden. He is the root cause of this problem, but he's been aided and abetted by the mainstream media and the social media who are covering up for them. They've enabled all of these disasters, and so the accountability has to come in November of 2022. I wish it would come sooner than that, but it does not look like this administration is changing course whatsoever, and of course they are all concerned about Covid – doing a miserable job quite honestly, managing it, but they are completely unconcerned about people with Covid coming across the border.”
