Democrats' Radical Abortion Legislation

Abhorrent Attack On Pro-Life Office in Madison

Sen. Johnson on Fox News

To date, President Biden has made no public remarks, and neither DOJ, FBI, nor DHS have issued a statement condemning the politically-motivated attack on the Wisconsin Family Action office in Madison.

Jane's Revenge, a pro-abortion group, claimed responsibility for throwing two Molotov cocktails into the office and painted "if abortions aren't safe then you aren't either" on their building.

Their silence on this abhorrent attack is deafening and continued silence could be construed as a tacit endorsement of such attacks against those who hold different or opposing political beliefs from those of this Administration.

Read my letter to federal agencies.

Read more in The Federalist: Ron Johnson Demands Federal Law Enforcement Address Terrorist Attacks On Pro-Life Group

- Voting No on Radical Abortion Legislation This Week -

Democrat elected officials and the radical left have proven they are the extremists on the profound moral issue of abortion. Chuck Schumer's legislation would eviscerate state pro-life laws nationwide, prohibit virtually any restriction or requirement for abortion and allow almost unlimited abortion up to the moment of birth.

I've always felt the determination of when society has the responsibility to protect life, including the unborn, should be made through the democratic process in each state. The fact that nine unelected justices made that decision for the entire nation did not settle the issue, it only delayed the necessary societal debate for fifty years. We will now have that debate. Hopefully, it can be conducted with sincerity, compassion, and respect for the broad range of views that people hold.

Unfortunately, members of the radical left have firebombed a pro-life office in Wisconsin and are threatening the safety of Supreme Court Justices and their families in an effort to intimidate them to impact their vote. Democrats have yet to condemn activists who are engaging in this repugnant illegal activity.

This extreme legislation is just another piece of the democrats' radical agenda to "fundamentally transform" our country. Open borders, 40 year high inflation, record gasoline prices, rising crime, and now unrestricted abortions nationwide are the disastrous results of their polices that will "fundamentally destroy" America.

Defending Military Service Members Against Coercive Vaccine Policies

Sen. Johnson at hearing

I'm working with Sen. Ted Cruz and 12 colleagues in introducing the Allowing Military Exemptions, Recognizing Individual Concerns About New Shots (AMERICANS) Act of 2022. The legislation counters the Biden administration's efforts to coerce and punish service members who decline the COVID-19 vaccine, and introduces accountability measures in response to DoD efforts to undermine transparency.

This bill would require the Secretary of Defense to make every effort to retain unvaccinated service members, strengthen language to ensure service members receive discharge classifications commensurate with their record of service, require the Department of Defense to report the number and type of COVID-19 vaccine religious exemptions that have been denied, and create an exemption from COVID-19 vaccine requirements for service members with natural immunity. The act would also protect service academy students and Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) members in the same way.

Parents Have a Right to Be Angry

Empty Shelves of Baby Formula

Supply shortages of infant formula are putting unimaginable burdens on parents. The severe shortage of infant formula appears to be a result of supply chain constraints and the shutdown of a major production facility in Michigan. Families are already facing 40-year high inflation and surging energy costs. These parents should not have to also worry about how to feed their babies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and United States Trade Representative (USTR) owes the public a detailed explanation about the steps the agencies are taking to ensure parents and their babies have access to infant formula. Especially in light of recent news reports indicating that illegal immigrants at the Customs and Border Protection facility in Texas are receiving "'pallets' of baby formula."

Read more about my effort to get answers from the Biden administration and here in the Washington Free Beacon.

National Police Week

National Police Week Video Message

This National Police Week, let's make sure all law enforcement officers know their service and sacrifice is valued. I'm thankful for the brave men and women who protect our communities every day.

Watch my message here.

Celebrating Charter Schools

Charter School Week Graphic

National Charter Schools Week is a time to celebrate the benefit that families have in the ability to choose the best type of education for their children. The increase in demand nationwide for charter schools demonstrates how important choice in education is for families. I will continue to advocate and fight for school choice in Wisconsin and across the nation.

Read more here.

In Washington

Templeton Middle School Students

On May 2, I had the chance to meet with 150 students from Templeton Middle School. The student group from Sussex had great weather and we met on the Capitol steps to talk about Congress.

Sen. Johnson with Waukesha Constituents

It was great to meet Waukesha constituents Pam and Ken Hartling, who also happen to be the grandparents of staff assistant Josh Hartling.

In Wisconsin

Joseph Project Class Photo

Congratulations to these two graduates of the Joseph Project in Milwaukee. After just one week in the program, they both interviewed for jobs and both got offers! Our Joseph Project program is changing lives through the power of work.

Mobile Office Hours

Dates of Mobile Office Hours

My staff will be offering these four mobile office hours next week in Vilas, Oneida, Forest and Langlade counties. This is your opportunity to get help with any federal red tape issues. Learn more here.