$5 Gas!! Thanks, Joe

Biden's Disastrous Administration

Instagram Q & A with Sen. Johnson

What to do about the rising price of gas was the number one question I got during a recent Instagram Q & A. Unfortunately, the Biden administration's disastrous policies have caused this crisis, so Congress needs to do the exact opposite. That means enacting policies to make the United States energy independent and increase supply so that prices come down.

The Wall Street Journal published my letter to the editor detailing the actions needed to build a stable economic future in America. I also highlight the economic failures of the Biden administration.

Read more: Sen. Ron Johnson Plots a Return to Economic Sanity

Tweet about inflation

COVID and Kids

covid vaccine

FDA official Dr. Peter Marks says vaccinated kids have a five fold increase of myocarditis. Why on earth are they pushing the COVID vaccine on babies? We still don't know the long-term safety profile of these vaccines. Watch this two-minute video clip of Dr. Marks.

In other COVID-19 news:

  • Biden's politically motivated COVID-19 mandates should not stand in the way of quality care for our veterans. I heard directly from VA employees in Wisconsin and Michigan on how these ineffective mandates are exacerbating workforce shortages. Our veterans deserve better.
  • I invited the CEO and President of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) to participate in a public forum on COVID-19. I invited him to send the medical experts of his choosing to come to Washington and engage in an open and honest interchange regarding all aspects of COVID.

Demanding a Hearing on the Disinformation Board

DHS Secretary Mayorkas

We need clear answers from Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas regarding his misleading testimony in May about the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board.

I joined my Republican colleagues on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to request a hearing with Secretary Mayorkas. We are deeply concerned that documents recently obtained contradict the Secretary's testimony and public statements about the Board. The American public deserves transparency and honest answers to important questions about the true nature and purpose of the Disinformation Governance Board and it is clear that Secretary Mayorkas has not provided them.

The U.S. Southern Border is in Crisis

Recent Chart of Border Crisis

President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas refuse to admit they have a crisis at the border. Mayorkas won't even say it's a problem. He calls it a "challenge." They refuse to admit it because they know they caused it.

Tweet: It's obvious the Democrats want open borders.

Press Release: Continued Call for Answers in Border Crisis

Fox News: Pushing for Inspector General review of Biden's Border Crisis

Wisconsinites in Washington

Milton High School

In May, these Milton High School students were in Washington D.C. and stopped by the U.S. Senate. They take their trip seriously with thoughtful questions and professional attire.

Boundary Waters Kids

On June 14, I met with Kids for the Boundary Waters. This is a national youth movement founded out of a Make-a-Wish dream for Joseph Goldstein in response to a cancer diagnosis.