Impact of Illegal Immigration in Wisconsin

Open Borders Impact on Wisconsin 

Whitewater Immigration Briefing with Law Enforcement

I had a sobering and eye-opening briefing with law enforcement in Walworth County about the effect of illegal immigration on their small community.

U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil and I listened to local law enforcement officers led by Walworth County Sheriff Dave Gerber and Whitewater Police Chief Dan Meyer as they explained what they're seeing in their county.

The national media will pay attention to big cities like Chicago and New York but little mention is made of the challenges faced by smaller cities. The impact on Walworth County resources is devastating. Issues range from communication barriers, to overcrowded housing, to overburdened schools. And then there's the criminal element bringing with it cocaine and fentanyl. Law enforcement says their drug arrests have traced a quarter million dollars from Whitewater directly back to drug cartels.

Whitewater is still a safe community, but the root cause of these issues is our nation's wide open southern border. I have said many times that our open border presents a clear and present danger to national security. Six million people have crossed our borders since President Biden took office. That's more people than live in the entire state of Wisconsin. We must secure our border.

WATCH: News Conference with Walworth County/Whitewater Law Enforcement

Congressional Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries

Covid Vaccine Injury House Panel

On November 13, I joined U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and seven of her House GOP colleagues, in a hearing titled Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines which explored potential links between COVID-19 vaccination and adverse events including myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots, neurological damage, cardiac arrest, miscarriages, fertility issues, and more. The panel heard witness testimony on vaccine adverse events from medical experts Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Kimberly Biss and also heard from attorney Thomas Renz who represented Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers who revealed increases in medical diagnoses among service members registered in a DOD database. Learn more in this press release

Other COVID-19 News

LISTEN- The Truth with Lisa Boothe Podcast: Vindicated with Senator Ron Johnson 

READ- New York Post: Sen. Johnson demands interview with Fauci adviser, 'deeply concerned' key COVID records were destroyed

SEE- Post on X: "Confidential email from Fauci adviser detailing efforts to evade my oversight of COVID-19 origins. More detail in the press release. 

WATCH- Just the News: "No one wants to admit they were wrong." - Sen. Johnson on the latest COVID vaccine numbers

Biden Inflation is Immoral

Biden inflation in Wisconsin

Latest numbers reveal that President Biden's inflation is costing Wisconsin families $844 EVERY MONTH. That is permanent damage. But Biden and his Democrat allies insist on more deficit spending which is further plundering our children's future. It's immoral and they have to be stopped.

Veterans Day and Hmong Veterans Recognition 

Veteran Day Ceremony Kenosha

I had the honor of attending a remarkable Veterans Day ceremony in Kenosha this year at Christian Life School and Church.   Hundreds of students and community members gathered to honor veterans of all ages from all eras. Thank you to every veteran for your service and sacrifice, for stepping up to the plate to defend our freedom.  And thank you to Christian Life School for embracing patriotism and recognizing what a marvel this nation truly is. Watch this video from my visit. 

I was also happy to introduce bipartisan legislation, the Hmong Congressional Gold Medal Actto recognize the distinguished service of the Hmong veterans who served alongside American troops in the Vietnam War by awarding them a Congressional Gold Medal.   Wisconsin is proud to be home to so many brave individuals who are dedicated to liberty and freedom and opposed to government tyranny.  Hmong veterans deserve this recognition.

Around Wisconsin

Veterans Day town hall

After the Veterans Day ceremony in Kenosha, I held a town hall with veterans. This gentleman (pictured above) said he's been in a wheelchair for 55 years as a result of his military service and he worries about the state of the world today that he will be leaving to his grandchildren.

Pathways school visit

I also held another town hall at a unique charter school in Milwaukee. Pathways High is a diverse, project-based learning charter high school of about 175  students who connect with mentors outside of the classroom in order to seek real world experiences. 

Bishop Sedgwick Daniels

My sincere condolences to the family and flock of Bishop Sedgwick Daniels. His passing is a tremendous loss for Milwaukee. I will be forever grateful for his steadfast love and support of the Joseph Project. My deepest sympathies to Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ.