Do Not Feel Sorry for Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden Indicted

Sen. Johnson on Fox News talking about Hunter Biden

No one should feel sorry for Hunter Biden.

He is a criminal who engaged in vile acts. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes, including trafficked women. He further used his father's address for his fraudulent business.

The Biden Crime Family sold out America, and now we have a compromised President as a result.

Hunter's expenditures over four years are stunning:

  • $4.9 million total -- that's almost $24,000/week and $3,300/day
  • $872,000 for women & adult entertainment -- that's over $4,000/week and $600/day

When will the mainstream media ask Hunter Biden how many women he abused who were trafficked by an international sex trafficking ring?

The prosecutor called his lifestyle "extravagant," I would call it vile.

WATCH: Sen. Johnson on Hannity on Fox News Dec. 8, 2023

WATCH: Sen. Johnson on Fox & Friends on Dec. 9, 2023

No Ukraine Funding Until Our Border is Secure

Sen. Johnson at podium for senate news conference on border

President Biden's open border presents a clear and present danger to America.

Senate Republicans must hold firm and deny cloture on any Ukraine support bill that does not make funding contingent on hard metrics that show we have actually secured the border and dramatically reduced the flow of illegal migrants.

We can't trust the president and his administration to faithfully execute that law. So we have one leverage point here. The administration wants funding for Ukraine. We need to use that leverage point.

Under existing law, President Trump went from peak to trough of illegal immigration in 12 months using "Remain in Mexico" and safe third country agreements in Central America. Using that precedent, releasing aid to Ukraine only as we ramp down to a secure border over a twelve-month period, is a reasonable expectation.  

READ: My op-ed with Sen. Rick Scott on

WATCH: My remarks during Senate news conference

PRESS RELEASE: Protecting vulnerable children at the border 

COVID Hearing Three Years Later

Covid Hearing Montage

Our miserably failed and corrupt response to the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be fully investigated and the truth exposed.

Three years after this hearing on November 19, 2020 federal health agencies continue their cover-up.

Watch this video montage of the questions we have been asking for three years now.

COVID & The Military 

I sent a letter to Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin regarding the Army's recent letter to previously discharged service members who were involuntarily separated after refusing to comply with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination order, allowing them to request a "correction" of their records and potentially apply to return to service. 

I believe this falls well short of providing those brave men and women any kind of compensation resulting from their involuntary separation and a profound apology for upending their lives. 

The overall lack of transparency on COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy is appalling. I have sent over 60 public letters to federal agencies, including DOD, on various aspects of the pandemic.

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News from Capitol Hill

Sen. Johnson in hearing

  • Urging Biden administration to enforce steel sanctions on IranIran is one of the largest steel producing countries in the world.

  • Taxpayer-funded voter mobilization plans need transparency. It's not the job of the federal government to drive voter turnout.

  • Unprecedented pause of firearms export licenses is the latest chapter in the Biden administration's hostility towards America's firearms industry.

Around Wisconsin

Madison Business Roundtable

Thanks to Ideal Builders in Madison for hosting this roundtable for business and community leaders. Folks from tech, banking, building, health care, and other sectors came together to discuss pressing policy issues facing our state and nation.

Nuclear medicine visit in Beloit

The innovation in Wisconsin never ceases to amaze. Fascinating visit to NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes in Beloit where this nuclear accelerator is creating therapeutic radioisotopes used to treat cancer.  The first patient trial involving NorthStar’s radioisotope to treat neuroblastoma is underway.

Christmas Tree Lighting

What a joy to attend the grand opening celebration for the Spectacular Christmas Celebration at Falls Baptist Church in Menomonee Falls.  It's nice to know wonderful community gatherings like this occur in real life, not just in Hallmark movies.