Professional Golf's Existential Threat

PGA Tour-LIV Golf Deal Hearing

Sen. Johnson holds up redacted documents at Golf hearing

Last week, the Senate held a hearing   to allow the PGA a chance to describe the challenges they face managing professional golf and the existential threat Saudi Arabia's influence on the sport represented.

I believe we need to give the PGA the time and space to conclude a deal that can be a win-win situation for everybody involved. They're trying to preserve the game of golf and purity of the competition, and I want to give the parties space to negotiate a deal.

But I also underscored the complete lack of transparency the 9/11 families have faced, not only from Saudi Arabia, but from U.S. federal government institutions like the FBI. At the hearing, I entered into the record heavily redacted documents I received from representatives of the 9/11 families that contain information about the FBI's investigation into Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11.

I intend to work with the families to obtain and expose the truth. I also agree with PGA Tour board member Jimmy Dunne. I don't want 18 million Saudis under the age of 32, who are not responsible for 9/11, to think Americans hate them.

Senator Johnson's Hearing Remarks

Fox News: "Set aside rhetoric and demagoguery and deal with the world as it is."

Barstool Sports Fore Play: Hearing is a step toward "repairing the breach" in professional golf.

This is How You Solve Problems

Sen. Johnson at Finance Hearing

At a Finance hearing last week, my colleague, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), and I had a rare public conversation about areas of agreement.

This is how to solve problems.  I hope Sen. Bennet will hold roundtables where in-depth discussions can occur. We can learn from each other and find common ground to reduce poverty.

America is not a naturally divided country. There is far more that unifies us than divides us. We are a compassionate nation. We want to help people help themselves and help those who can't. We should consolidate and simplify our welfare system so we can win the war on poverty.

Whistleblower Retaliation in Hunter Biden Probe

Sen. Johnson on Fox Business

I've been shocked at how much retaliation occurs within the federal government against whistleblowers.

Recently, two IRS whistleblowers and their investigative team were removed from the Hunter Biden investigation in apparent retaliation for their legally protected communications with Congress. In emails following their disclosures, senior managers failed to properly notify employees of their rights to report wrongdoing to Congress and executive branch authorities.

Faceless bureaucrats retaliate against whistleblowers to discourage more from coming forward. We need people of integrity to come forward now more than ever.

Wisconsin to Washington

Sen. Johnson at Towns Meeting

On July 6, I met with the Winnebago County Unit of the Wisconsin Towns Association in Oshkosh.

Milwaukee Joseph Project Class 139

On July 13, the Milwaukee Joseph Project team congratulated the two most recent graduates of Class 139. 

Meeting students on the Capitol Steps

On July 12, I met with middle school students from Ellsworth on the steps of the U.S. Captiol to answer questions during their class trip to Washington, D.C. 

Behind the scenes interview

A behind-the-scenes look preparing for a television interview in the Russell Rotunda.