Sen. Johnson Releases Statement on Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released the following statement after voting for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). 

“Since I became a Senator, I have supported the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Defense of the nation is the top priority of the federal government. The finest among us who serve and sacrifice to defend our freedom deserve our full support. This is my firmly held belief, and it will not change.

But I do have growing concerns that we have strayed far from our founders’ vision of a nation that avoided foreign entanglements, and we have allowed the Military Industrial Complex to become too powerful and exert too much influence. I am also highly concerned that under Democrat administrations, the military is being used to advance a radical left social agenda, and military leadership is now more concerned with ‘wokeness’ than military readiness.

To show my continued support for our troops and their mission of defending our freedoms, I voted yes on passage of the Senate NDAA. This allows the bill to move to conference with the House bill where I hope my concerns can be alleviated.”
