Sound of Freedom

The Truth of Biden's Open Border Policy 

GOP Border Press Conference

Under President Biden, some five million people have illegally entered the United States. Half of states have populations less than that. That is the magnitude of the problem.

Biden's open border policy is facilitating the multi-billion dollar business model of some of the most evil people on the planet. The human depredations are being ignored.

Congress should act to secure the border. But Biden can solve this problem just like President Trump did.

Return to Mexico, Safe Third Country, and other agreements show we are serious about securing the border and illegal immigration is reduced.

Please go see Tim Ballard's Sound of Freedom. The truth of child sex trafficking must be acknowledged. I saw it Tuesday night during a screening hosted by Speaker Kevin McCarthy at the U.S. Capitol. At the screening, I presented a letter addressed to   Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel that   Republican senators sent to Democrat committee chairs urging them to hold hearings to highlight what Sound of Freedom is exposing -- the evil of child sex trafficking.

The media is ignoring this movie, and the radical left is vilifying it. President Biden, Kamala Harris, and Secretary Mayorkas couldn't care less about the abuse being facilitated by an open border.

Would child sex trafficking and the open border be ignored if this humanitarian crisis was occurring under a Republican administration?

WATCH: Sen. Johnson's remarks at GOP press conference.

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National Defense Authorization Act

Meeting military family

On Thursday the Senate voted on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Since I became a Senator, I have supported the National Defense Authorization Act. Defense of the nation is the top priority of the federal government. The finest among us who serve and sacrifice to defend our freedom deserve our full support. This is my firmly held belief, and it will not change.

But I do have growing concerns that we have strayed far from our founders' vision of a nation that avoided foreign entanglements, and we have allowed the Military Industrial Complex to become too powerful and exert too much influence. I am also highly concerned that under Democrat administrations, the military is being used to advance a radical left social agenda, and military leadership is now more concerned with "wokeness" than military readiness.

To show my continued support for our troops and their mission of defending our freedoms, I voted yes on passage of the Senate NDAA. This allows the bill to move to conference with the House bill where I hope my concerns can be alleviated.

Dignity of Work 

Hugging a worker with special needs

I'm proud to have introduced the Workplace Choice and Flexibility for Individuals with Disabilities Act to increase career opportunities and informed choice in employment for individuals with disabilities. The bill clarifies that jobs like those under the AbilityOne or other similar workforce programs are considered part of the "competitive labor market" permitting state vocational rehabilitation agencies to refer individuals with disabilities to these programs' jobs.

I have always believed in the dignity of work and the uplifting power of being able to provide for oneself through earning a paycheck, including for individuals with disabilities who need specialized programs to obtain employment. We need to eliminate perceived or real barriers for government agencies to refer individuals with disabilities to these workforce programs to help these individuals continue a life of fulfillment and opportunity.

National Intern Day 

Summer DC interns 2023

This week we celebrated National Intern Day! I want to thank all of my hard-working, enthusiastic interns in my U.S. Captiol and state offices. We have intern opportunities in all four offices (Oshkosh, Milwaukee, Madison and Washington, D.C.) year-round.

Go to my website to apply!