Preventing Government Shutdowns

 A Simple Commonsense Bill 

Sen. Johnson by Capitol Rotunda

For years, I've been advocating for the bipartisan Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, which would eliminate the threat of a government shutdown. Instead of politicans threatening to shutdown the government, we would just spend at last year's levels. 

What could be more common sense and reasonable than that? Prevent Government Shutdowns Act should pass 100-0. It would start us down the road to fiscal sanity and a better functioning congress.

Watch here for my interview on Fox Business about this bill.

Newsweek: Bipartisan Bill to End Government Shutdowns Puts Democrats in Bind

Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

Sen. Johnson at Border Press Conference

We're seeing almost no reporting recognizing the human toll of President Biden's border policies. On Wednesday, I joined my Republican colleagues in a Senate press conference on Biden's inhumane border policies and Republican-led solutions.

On my last border visit, the sheriffs gave us pictures of dead bodies that showed the human cost of evil people taking advantage of the open border.

So I'm asking again: mainstream media, please report on this.

Show the American people the disaster that President Biden has caused at the border, as well as the inhumanity of his policies.

Biden's border policies have led to a dramatic increase in human, drug, and sex trafficking and well over five and a half million people entering the country illegally and remaining here. That number is greater than the population of more than half of U.S. states!

Watch my full remarks here. 

Courageous Covid Testimony 

Covid testimony

Courageous testimony by Universtiy of South Carolina's Dr. Phillip Buckhaults.

Covid "vaccines" were not adequately tested and their harms have not been adequately investigated. The FDA and CDC need to admit their regulatory failures and be honest with the public.

Please watch this 18-minute video.

The Ramiah Project 

Ramiah Project

On August 25 in Madison, I hosted a roundtable discussion with a group of leaders across the political spectrum to explore commonsense ideas to remove barriers from incarceration to work. The event was inspired by my relationship with Ramiah Whiteside, a former inmate turned reform advocate, and the barriers he faced in reentering society. After Ramiah's tragic passing due to complications of workforce reentry in December of 2022, he left a story that inspired us to address areas such as work release, child support, and fraternization. The event was held in Ramiah's honor.

What can we do as a community, as a state, to remove those barriers so we can be supportive of those individuals that want to lead an upstanding life and have that dignity of earning and being successful in life? The solution lies with individuals in our community.

Watch the entire roundtable on Wisconsin Eye.

Watch the Instagram highlights here.

Social Media Highlight

Tweet about Senate Dress Code

Around Wisconsin

Sen. Johnson with Joseph Project graduates

These two Joseph Project alumni from Milwaukee turned their lives around after finding meaningful employment upon completion of our Joseph Project job training programing. Proud of them!

Potato Farm Visit

I visited Antigo on September 15 to meet with potato growers in northern Wisconsin. Our state is third in the nation for potato production. 

Cascade proclamation for anniversary

I was honored to help Cascade in Sheboygan County celebrate its 175th anniversary. Every 25 years the village of less than one thousand people throws a party to celebrate its founding.