Sen. Johnson Reacts to Biden Debate Blunders: “Clearly President Biden is Unfit for Office.”

WASHINGTON  On Friday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released the following statement in reaction to President Biden’s dismal showing at last night’s debate.  

“Clearly, President Biden is unfit for office. I’ve been saying that since 2020 as a result of Senator Grassley’s and my investigation into the Biden crime family. His mental and physical decline has been obvious throughout his presidency. To anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, last night should have been a wake up call. 

“As the Democrat party scrambles to replace Biden as their nominee, Americans must also recognize that it hasn’t just been Biden who has put our nation on the path of destruction, it is Democrat governance across the board that has done so. Any Democrat replacement candidate will continue the same disastrous policies, regardless of whatever lies they tell to win.”
