Our Nation Is On The Path of Destruction

Biden is Unfit for Office


Clearly, President Biden is unfit for office. I’ve been saying that since 2020 as a result of Senator Grassley’s and my investigation into the Biden crime family. His mental and physical decline has been obvious throughout his presidency. To anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, last week's debate should have been a wake-up call.

As the Democrat party scrambles to replace Biden as their nominee, Americans must also recognize that it hasn’t just been Biden who has put our nation on the path of destruction, it is Democrat governance across the board that has done so. Any Democrat replacement candidate will continue the same disastrous policies, regardless of whatever lies they tell to win. 

Calling Out Corrupt Experts on COVID Origins


On June 18, I participated in a hearing titled, Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence. 

Watch my questioning of one of the authors of the March 2020 proximal origin paper, Dr. Robert Garry, on his role in dismissing the COVID-19 lab leak theory. I also discussed the dangers of gain-of-function research with Dr. Richard Ebright.

I also sent a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra regarding the agency’s lack of compliance with 31 outstanding oversight letters related to COVID-19 origins and vaccine safety.

READ on Fox News: GOP senators invoke statute to force HHS answers on COVID origins


July Joseph Project Milwaukee Class


My staff is looking for participants for this month's Joseph Project class in Milwaukee July 15-18. The weeklong program connects people with job opportunities and gets folks ready to interview with employers who are looking to hire RIGHT NOW!

The Joseph Project also provides transportation to work. We are holding an intake session at the Joseph Project Center located at 5401 W. Center Street on Wednesday, July 10 at 9:45 am. 

Please forward this information to anyone who may be interested. Tell them to be on time, dress to impress, and bring a pen and resume if they have one. 

Learn more about the program through these videos. 

U.S. National Debt Bomb


I've been tracking the U.S. National Debt on the homepage of my website ever since I became a U.S. Senator. This ticking debt bomb has never been this large. Every American needs to pay attention. 

Happy 4th of July 


"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

Benjamin Franklin's reply: "A republic, if you can keep it." 

On Independence Day, let's recommit ourselves to preserving our liberty.