Sens. Johnson, Blumenthal, Paul, and Peters Demand Information on the Assassination Attempt of Former President Trump

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, U.S. Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), ranking member and chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, along with U.S. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.), ranking member and chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent letters requesting information related to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The bipartisan documents and information requests were sent to the United States Secret Service (USSS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Beaver County District Attorney, Butler County District Attorney, Butler County Sheriff, Butler Township Police Department, and Pennsylvania State Police. 

“We write to request documents and information related to the assassination attempt on former President Trump and the loss of life of one attendee and injuries to two others during a campaign rally in Butler, PA, on July 13, 2024,” wrote the senators.

They continued, “[T]he Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has initiated a bipartisan investigation into how this attack was able to occur, what security, personnel, or other failures contributed to the attempt, and steps that must be taken to ensure any mistakes are avoided in the future.” 

The senators are requesting information from three federal agencies and five state and local law enforcement agencies related to the security preparations for and response to the attack during the campaign rally in Pennsylvania, along with the failures that led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. The senators are seeking information on security preparations, intelligence gathering on potential violence prior to the attack, and detailed explanations of the agencies’ security response.   

Full text of the letter to USSS can be found here.

Full text of the letter to FBI can be found here.

Full text of the letter to DHS I&A can be found here.

Full text of the letter to Beaver County District Attorney can be found here.

Full text of the letter to Butler County District Attorney can be found here.

Full text of the letter Butler County Sheriff can be found here.

Full text of the letter to Butler Township Police Department can be found here

Full text of the letter to Pennsylvania State Police can be found here.
