Ribble Offers Companion Bill in House to Johnson's Regulation Moratorium

Washington, D.C.  – Today Senator Ron Johnson (WI) and Representative Reid Ribble (WI-8) announced that Rep. Ribble has introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives to S. 1438, the Regulation Moratorium and Job Preservation Act. The bill calls for a moratorium on burdensome federal regulations until the national unemployment rate falls below 7.8 percent – which was the rate when President Obama took office. Ribble’s legislation is H.R. 2898.

Johnson said:

“The President claims to be committed to promoting economic growth and job creation, but instead the Administration is intent on adding new layers of job-killing regulation. At a time when growth is anemic and companies are still laying off workers, it’s time for a commonsense approach.

“The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Labor Relations Board are among the worst offenders. The EPA’s proposed emission rules would send electric rates soaring, and the boiler rule would risk 338,000 jobs. The NLRB is attempting to impose several new rules on unionizing, any one of which will discourage job creation. This regulatory overreach, along with the uncertainty caused by Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and other Obama policies, make it very difficult for businesses to expand and create jobs. My legislation gives workers and employers a break.”

Ribble said:

“Small business is the driving force of our economy and the champion of job creation, but harmful regulations have forced many to freeze, scale back, or even close their doors. I owned a small business for decades and I know the devastating impact unnecessary regulations can have on employment. Government cannot call on businesses to make investments and grow their operations, while at the same time punishing them with unreasonable regulations. 

“Instead of piling more costs on small business, it’s time to focus on helping job creators do what they do best.  This legislation will give battered businesses some much needed breathing room so they can begin putting people back to work.”

The United States Chamber of Commerce said:

“Your legislation would allow the thousands of minor, noncontroversial regulations that “keep the lights on” to move forward, while placing an important check on the relatively small number of economically significant regulations that impact the business community’s ability to compete.”

The Wisconsin National Federal of Independent Businesses said:

“Onerous regulations are the number one concern for many small businesses today, and we are glad to see that someone in Washington is paying attention.”

During the Obama Administration, the unemployment rate has never been lower than it was the day the President was sworn in, when it was at 7.8%.  This legislation prohibits federal agencies from implementing any new significant regulatory actions until the nation’s unemployment rate falls below that level. It allows the President to waive the rule for regulations dealing with national security or national emergency.

Johnson’s Senate bill is cosponsored by 26 Senators: Kelly Ayotte (NH), John Barrasso (WY), Roy Blunt (MO), Richard Burr (NC), John Boozman (AR), Dan Coats (IN), Tom Coburn (OK), John Cornyn (TX), Jim DeMint (SC), Mike Enzi (WY), Chuck Grassley (IA), Orrin Hatch (UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX), Jim Inhofe (OK), Johnny Isakson (GA), Mike Johanns (NE), Mike Lee (UT), Mitch McConnell (KY), Jerry Moran (KS), Rand Paul (KY), Jim Risch (ID), Marco Rubio (FL), Jeff Sessions (AL), Pat Toomey (PA), David Vitter (LA), and Roger Wicker (MS).

The House companion is cosponsored by 7 Members of the House of Representatives: Dan Benishek (MI), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Billy Long (MO), Jim Renacci (OH), Scott Rigell (VA), Todd Rokita (IN), and Kevin Yoder (KS).
